Life : Captured

International Photographer
Kimberly Miner

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Being Healthy

6 months ago, i decided to stop drinking. it wasn't a dramatic step, more of a "i get more done when i haven't had a glass or two of wine" realization. it was a very busy month of photography and i really had no time to waste sitting around sipping wine. i had deadlines to meet, projects to complete, etc...and i just work harder, faster and more focused when i have not had a drink. after week one of no wine (wow that makes me sound like a wino), i approached the weekend, and i initially thought "yippee! it's the weekend, i can have a glass of wine!" then i thought to myself, "well, shoot...since i want to lose a little weight anyhow, maybe leaving the wine "for now" out of my diet, until say, a party, and i could save some calories in the meantime." then a party came along, and i thought "well,'s been a couple months now, and i really don't want to risk having wine tonight, waking up feeling dehydrated and therefore being less than 100% tomorrow, and i REALLY love feeling 100%." so i decided i would only drink on holidays. then New Years came along. i will just toast the New Year with a glass of Champagne!" i decided against that. what is the point after all? I can toast the New Year with anything! you see the pattern...? and there began the pattern of me not drinking. and i LOVE it. i feel so much better, i never have to pay a cab to drive me home after a fun night out with friends and drinking. i am saving money, i feel so much better. i love knowing i will NEVER have a hangover! NEVER have to have a glass of water with my wine, NEVER spend another $ on wine. (not that my wine budget was that much). i haven't noticed any change from the calories being cut out though. but that's probably because for the first few months, we were drinking hot cocoa with whip and drizzled chocolate every night. All it takes is one mouthful of sour whip cream to end that pattern. now i'm drinking tea every day. here is the recipe for my new favorite. change ingredients amounts based on your preferences. i really like the bite that the ginger gives, so i put a lot of it in.

Half of an apple (sweet) sliced
apprx 4 slices of fresh ginger
apprx 10 sprigs of fresh thyme
put in french press
pour boiling water in
steep for 10 mins.
sweeten to taste

1 comment:

  1. i'm going to have to try that -- it sounds delicious! way to go you for choosing to actively work on being healthy!! did you find a juicer yet? we love love ours and i have the best juicing/smoothie book
