Life : Captured

International Photographer
Kimberly Miner

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Hot Air Balloon Stampede

Yesterday and today i woke up before the crack of dawn to go watch the Hot Air Balloons launch. something about them that makes me so excited. standing there watching them fill with air, the wind from the fans filling the envelopes, the sound of the propane gas lifting the balloon, the excitement of all the kids, running around aimlessly trying to watch every balloon go up, the goodbyes being yelled up and waves from up in the basket to all the family members on the ground. something about it... i tear up every time. it never gets old for me. I've been up once before and was so excited about possibly going up this morning. the launch was delayed due to weather. my last experience in a hot air balloon was so comical. our balloon came down behind LaQuinta Inn, in the back parking lot, along the railroad tracks. as the balloon neared the ground and the loud sound of the propane filling the balloon, people staying in the hotel came to their windows to see what the ruckus was about. I'm sure in their excitement they just forgot to put clothes on, or bathrobes, or forgot that even though we were in this larger than life balloon hovering next to their windows, that we could still see them. but they didn't seem to mind. we waved..they waved..they took pictures of us, and well, we took pictures of them. i'm sure as they saw the 3 of us in the balloon laughing and smiling they were thinking to themselves "what fun they are having!" it was truly an amazing experience! and the LaQuinta Inn experience definitely made the event unforgettable.