Life : Captured

International Photographer
Kimberly Miner

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Something about flying.
i love it and hate it. i love being away, traveling and going to new places, but i always forget something, run out of clothes because i try to pack light, forget my backup battery, leave my back up camera at the last city i shot in, and usually forget to email my will to a friend until i am sitting in the terminal (which i will do as soon as i finish this blog).
i have my Chacos, comfortable to travel in, easy to take off so i can stretch my feet, might help keep me afloat instead of sink me if the plane were to go down (even though it seems i fly over land more than water), the down side being i am barefoot in the terminal during the security gate.
today i went to check in and forgot to put my toiletries in a ziplock baggie. i'll happily toss all my makeup and hair products but NOT MY LIPGLOSS! thank God they have ziploc baggies for those of us that hastily rush out of the house without.
i just heard about the Walla Walla Airport drama. planes leaving while passengers are still checking in! not me! i'm at the airport an hour and a half early! perfect! gives me time to remind my friend where all my things get distributed, if need be. sounds morbid. but i just don't get the whole plane staying in the air thing. i've even had a friend show me with a paper air plane, how the air holds it up. makes no sense. Hence the feeling when i am flying, and looking out the window, thinking to myself, "this shouldn't be happening".
i like flying out of Walla Walla. it's fun to look around and see just how many people in the airport i know, and the anticipation of wondering who i will be sitting by. hopefully not that guy! and Her loud gum chewing would become bothersome. also, i can tell she is chatty and i am not, when i am flying. i like to sit by myself and mind my own business. it's the only time i get to read magazines. i bought Runner's World (1/2 marathoner's edition)..i like to think that one day i will do that! and I bought Oprah's magazine. still hoping i have a shot at "A Day in the Life of Oprah." i probably wont read them this flight..i have so much editing to do! i hope i get to sit by this little elderly lady. she has a book and she won't take up more than her share of the seat, and i can tell from here, her perfume isn't too much. I'll let you know who i end up sitting by! which reminds me...i always notice that when i do sit next to a non talker, they always break out the "Is this your final destination?" question, just as the plane hits the tarmac...and now we start talking about our lives, why we are flying, where we are going, etc...and i think to myself..."What an interesting person!....i wish i had struck up conversation with them sooner."
Well, my plane boards in 20 and i still need to let it be known who gets my costume jewelry, who gets my clothes, what song to play..(it changes all the time) and to tell my family i love them one more time...just in case the whole Gigantic Metal Plane floating in the air thing...doesn't work!
side note: i never got this sent before my plane left and i decided on this trip i would make an effort to meet my plane partners. on the first leg of my trip, i sat by an interesting man who said he had been to Walla Walla over a hundred times for Macon Brothers Auctions. the second leg of my trip i sat by a girl who had just graduated from HS in Atlanta, Georgia, and she was on her way to Yellowstone Ntnl Park to work for the summer. she is also a Mac user, so we had a TON to talk about. shared photos and stories and made a new Facebook friend! and i'm happy to say once again, i lived through the miracle of being in a HUGE metal plane in the sky! that's pretty amazing.