Life : Captured

International Photographer
Kimberly Miner

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Sunday, February 28, 2010

what a gorgeous day. i opened all my windows and doors first thing this morning to let the fresh air and sunshine in. well, and to let the smoke out. it's not the first time i have put something on the stove to boil, and like clockwork, i leave the house. once, i mean 3 times, it was eggs. boy do they put out a smell before they explode! usually i set a timer, but today, i put water on to boil for tea, and an hour later when i returned, the house filling with smoke (and WHY wasn't my fire alarm going off?...they were just installed a couple months ago!) the tea pot, my fav from an antique store, was glowing, and the plastic lid was dripping into the pot, creating sparks and flames inside. there was a towel about 6 inches away from the burner, and believe it or not, the edges were browning and on the verge of charring. needless to say, it was a perfect day to throw open all the windows and doors, and while i was at it, i did my spring cleaning. even got the baseboards wiped down. I feel very lucky to still have a home today. i hope everyone had as great of a day as i did and hopefully got outside in the sunshine.


  1. Your tea pot experience is why I bought an electric water heater that shuts off once the water boils, love it.

  2. i've seen them! it's my next purchase! :)
